Why hire one of our cleaners in Drogenbos?
To gain in comfort of life! Cleaning often requires a certain organization, you must plan time after the day or during your holidays to carry out household chores. You’re going to waste valuable time that you could be spending with family, friends, or just doing more enjoyable things. Moreover, these are tiring and boring tasks that you will probably spend too much time doing, because you do not know the cleaning techniques.
Our reliable housekeepers can intervene whenever you want, whether you are at home or not, in order to carry out a complete cleaning of each room or certain rooms depending on the frequency of their intervention. The bathroom and the kitchen are rooms that require regular cleaning, if you have pets, you will need to plan for intensive cleaning of the living rooms.
Our housekeepers will also take care of washing your windows (using a stepladder with a maximum of 3 steps) but also of making laundry machines. If you leave her instructions, she can also peel some vegetables to help you prepare your meals. Many tasks can be carried out by our teams.
How much does the service voucher system cost?
Each title costs €9. You are entitled to a tax reduction which varies according to your region.
- In Brussels, for 163 service vouchers, you receive a tax refund of €1.35 per voucher. The service voucher then costs you €7.65 instead of €9.
- In Flanders, for 170 service vouchers, you receive a tax refund of €1.80 per voucher. The service voucher therefore costs you €7.20 instead of €9.
- In Wallonia, for 150 service vouchers, you receive a tax refund of €0.90 per voucher. The service voucher then costs you €8.10 instead of €9.
What are the benefits of using this system?
Service vouchers are easy to use and avoid cash transactions. One hour of work corresponds to one service voucher in paper or electronic version. Sodexo is responsible for verifying the encoded services to combat fraud. It is a completely safe way that allows you to call on an approved agency such as Aaxe to have your household chores carried out. Our employees travel for a minimum of 3 hours to Drogenbos, but if you are going on vacation or do not need our services, there is no obligation.
Aaxe Titres-Services undertakes to find a household helper that suits you 100%. Do not hesitate to contact us via our form!