The services are provided using the service voucher system. You buy paper or electronic service vouchers from Sodexo for a value of 10 euro per hour. This is after tax deduction or tax credit, depending on the region where your home is located. They will cost you :
8,50 €/hour for the Brussels region,
9 €/hour for the Walloon Region,
7,20 €/hour for the Flemish Region. (more details here)
You will not be asked to pay anything extra. In addition to cleaning your home or your second home, our domestic workers can prepare your meals, do your shopping, do your washing with your own washing machine or at the laundrette, do your ironing in your home or at one of our ironing centres, do any little sewing jobs, wash up and clean the windows. Aaxe Service Vouchers is able to meet your needs thanks to over 2500 trained and motivated domestic workers.